The off-the-wall video
What is the off-the-wall video?
The off-the-wall video is the one we remember. We don’t have the pretention to say that it is as the Samsung advertising of the ostrich which see itself fly thanks to its virtual reality headset and thinks it has no limit, but the idea is here.
The off-the-wall video is the ideal format to make an impact, break the codes and go down in history.
What are the different formats?
When a customer comes to us and tell that he would like to make a video on all the ordering process dedicated to all of his 2.100 French collaborators, that he wants a playful video such as Omar & Fred and that the deadline is very close. We create a video inspired from the Bref format, implying the collaborators, and all this in two weeks, scenario, shooting, and editing done.
When someone comes to us with the need of a video for an institutional speech about the New Year address, we think that there are two solutions: making a nice but classical video or creating a quiz between the chairman of the institution and the services’ general manager to create a human and really engaging dynamic.

The main thing is to be agile and inventive. One of our customers has someday asked us how to create an entire remotely ceremony that we want to watch, even for an hour. Then, we found a television studio set, created a whole atmosphere, a central theme, dialogs of the participants who were none other than the collectivity’s agents, and integrated games, reports, and an outstanding presenter.
The only limit of the agency is our imagination, and it goes around the world more than once.
How do I integrate this format in my communication?
The most difficult with the off-the-wall video, it is to dare.
But trust us, she proved her worth. In an everyday life in which we are flooded, even submerged by image and information, nothing works better than a video which stand out of the crowd, above everyone else. So, it is an ideal video format to communicate internally about your processes, occupations, or services. The off-the-wall video is also a major asset when we must surprise our audience, so it is completely adapted to make the off balance of a stereotype. For instance, you are an institution, and you would like to add value to the engagement of your agents. We could create a video on the stereotypes about civil servants to create a rude shock and generate empathy from the audience.
You understood, the off-the-wall video is the playful and creative format that you need if you want to stand out of the crowd.
« Human, the heart of your savoir-faire »
A unique look for
every project

Occupation valorisation:
Customer’s needs: The internal communication of the Isère’s department asked us to present the technician occupation in an unusual way.
Project’s course: The shooting was made in one day with a precise organization of the shooting’s time. On editing, three days were needed to create the mysterious atmosphere of the video.
Video’s final use: The video was diffused during the New Year address ceremony of the agents and on the intranet of the Isère’s department.

Customer’s needs: For this production, our customer asked us to create a presentation video of the Center of Customer Relations (CCR) service without having a conventional format. So, we chose to take our inspiration from the Bref format to present this service.
Project’s course: The shooting was made in two days. We had organized the precise times needed to film every shot.
The video had to be realized in a short amount of time. We had four days to edit the video.
Video’s final use: This video was presented during a seminar and on the internet platform of the company.

Occupation presentation:
Career & pay administrator
Customer’s needs: The communication service of the Isère’s department asked us to produce a video that present the occupations of career & pay administrator in an off-the-wall way. We chose to reuse a Mon métier en vrai format lookalike.
Project’s course: The shooting was made in one and a half day, and we changed the desk’s scenery from one scene to another.
The editing part was made in four days due to a huge research and graphical embedding work.
Video’s final use: She was diffused during the New Year address ceremony to the agents as well as on the intranet of the department.
A bit of inspiration
Agence Witty –
Creation at Witty
Off-the-wall | Skill presentation
Becton Dickinson –
CCR service presentation
Off-the-wall | Service presentation
Isère’s Department – Internal communication
Technician occupation
Off-the-wall | Occupation valorization
Isère’s Department –
Innovation’s week
Off-the-wall | Occupation share
Isère Department –
Internal communication: « Mon métier en vrai » format: Career & pay administrator
Off-the-wall | Occupation presentation
COS38 –
Offers’ web series
Off-the-wall | Offers’ presentation
Agence Witty’s 2023
New Year Adress
Off-the-wall | Vows
What does an off-the-wall video with the Witty team look like?

- 9Several hours of scenario creation
- 9A particular attention to every detail that will create the atmosphere
- 9A lot of humor, we want to offer a great experience to you
- 9Benevolence, we are not born actors
- 9Surpassing yourself, the aim is to take up the challenge together
- 9A completion and proud feeling once you made it
Project’s production process