Tutorial video

What is the tutorial video?

The tutorial video allows you to create an internal or external training tool. It allows you to train easily and remotely your customers or your collaborators.

Why this format?

Externally, the tutorial video can be a training support for your product’s use or work as a more popular, understandable, and most of all playful user manual than a one hundred pages book.
Internally, the tutorial video offers the possibility to train all your collaborators, at every corner of the country and the world. Your training subject could be safety norms, disabled people inclusion, or the use of a new software, the tutorial video will create an engagement that the other training supports do not equal.

How do I integrate this format in my communication?

The tutorial video is a new way to approach training. It is useful for everything if it has a pedagogic, learning form, to deliver instructions, or to share knowledge. It is part of your communication as a new tool, a more actual language, and sends a modern and dynamic image of your structure.

« Between the one hundred pages book and the five minutes video, what do you choose? »

A bit of inspiration

Becton Dickinson –
Dilutor tutorial

Medicine | User tutorial

Becton Dickinson –

Medicine | User tutorial

Agence Delphine Teillaud –
Les tutos de l’Immo

Property | Good practice tutorial

What does a tutorial video with the Witty team look like?

  • 9A comprehension of your stakes and of your target
  • 9An immersion at the heart of your structure
  • 9Plenty and plenty of listening
  • 9Innovation to impact your audience
  • 9Empathy to be in your collaborators’ place
  • 9Aesthetical choices to value yourself

Project’s production process